Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Hello family and friends,
This is our first real attempt to get a blogsite going, something our daughter Erika has been at us to do for a long time. It took us looking at her site for a while and seeing all the neat things she has done on it before we got excited about doing one! (See our link to her blog as well as other family sites.)

It takes me some time getting used to doing this. But as with all things I will get better with time....until time runs out, of course.

We plan to use this for family and for personal things we are involved in. This is a good thing. Better than starting my personal history a thousand times and never getting past my tenth year or the year we moved to Texas. Well, I will ramble on here for a while until I get an idea...of course .... all of this will probably be edited out at a later time...but for now I am getting a good idea of how to do this.